Data Modelling
This page hosts the latest versions of all Semantix's software and document deliverables related with the ESA project ITT 5179 Data Modeling.
Other partners involved in this project are Astrium
Satellites and Astrium Space Transportation
WP3 Automatic Code Generation:
- Asn1Matrix
This is a set of ASN.1 files (test cases) used to measure the conformance to the
ASN.1 standard. To download the current set of these files click
WP4 Automatic ICD
The main objective of this WP is to develop a generator of Interface Control Documents
(ICD). This tool reads an ASN.1 grammar that describes the interface between two
systems and generates the equivallent ICD formal which is currently used in many
space software projects.
Download current version
Online gateway
Notice that all tools and files available from this site are intellectual property of
Semantix Information Technologies. Only ESA has a license to use - or allow
its contractors to use - these tools, and only in the context of space missions.
For any other use contact us.