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Instructions for VirtualBox

Download VirtualBox for your operating system, and install it. Then download the TASTE-VM and uncompress the tarball.

To add the TASTE-VM to VirtualBox, simply follow these screenshots:

Problems with X server not starting

For some versions of VirtualBox, you will also need to edit the file /etc/X11/xorg.conf, find the Section containing 'Driver "vmwlegacy"' and change "vmwlegacy" to "vesa":
Section "Device"
        Driver          "vesa"

Auto resizing of VM window

If you resize the VirtualBox window, by default the screen resolution inside the VM will not auto-adjust. In order to get this feature you must follow these steps:
  • In the "Devices" menu of the running VM, choose the option "Install Guest Additions". It will download a file from the Virtualbox site.
  • Open a terminal and type:
    bash$ sudo mount /dev/cdrom1 /media/cdrom
    bash$ cd /media/cdrom
    bash$ sudo ./autorun,sh
    and once it is done:
    sudo reboot
After the reboot the resolution will be higher, and stretching the VirtualBox window will adjust the VM's resolution automatically.


License information for the tools is here.