Creating UML data definitions

System modeling can also be done in UML. As was the case for AADL, an automated way of data type mapping is required - for use during the system modeling. The results of this process are importable in Eclipse, the environment used when UML is used to perform the system modeling.

To that end, a similarly scoped tool was developed, named asn2uml:

total 16
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14273 2007-02-28 10:10 messages.asn1
AVALON:~/ASSERT$ asn2uml messages.asn1 Data.rcm
total 36
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 14273 2007-02-28 10:10 messages.asn1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28734 2007-02-28 10:11 Data.rcm
AVALON:~/ASSERT$ head Data.rcm
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!-- File generated by asn2uml, DO NOT EDIT! -->
<rcm:Model xmi:version="2.0" xmlns:xmi="" 
    xmlns:rcm="http://rcm" name="D_view" >
    <ownedMember xsi:type="rcm:DataType" name="TypeNested" 
        Source_Text="D_view.asn" Source_Data_Size="256" 
        Type_Source_Name="TypeNested" />
    <ownedMember xsi:type="rcm:DataType" name="T_POS" 
        Source_Text="D_view.asn" Source_Data_Size="4096" 
        Type_Source_Name="T-POS2" />
If your installation environment lacks gcc, you can use an online version of the tool, from: