Usage of data types from interfaces

There were many candidate AADL element for use as APLC representatives. The toolchain supports usage of data types from PROCESSes, THREADs and SUBPROGRAMs (as DATA PORTs and EVENT DATA PORTs in the first two cases and as PARAMETERs in the latter):

PACKAGE TestSystem

    Id : IN PARAMETER DataTypes::POS;
    Param : OUT PARAMETER DataTypes::POS;
    Source_Language => "Lustre";
END TC_Parser;

END TestSystem;

The currently supported values for Source_Language are depicted in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1: Currently supported modeling tools
Lustre5 for SCADE5 [6]
(or, equivalently, Lustre)  
Lustre6 for SCADE6 [6]
OG for functional modeling with ObjectGeode [11]
Simulink for functional modeling with MATLAB/Simulink [7]
C for functional modeling with manual C coding (also used from Rhapsody)
Ada for functional modeling with manual Ada coding [12]