Taxinomia is a document and digital assets
management platform. Entities (documents in a broad sense) that can be organized
in Taxinomia comprise almost everything that has either a tangible (books,
painting, manuscripts, archaeological objects or museum content) or an
electronic (files, multimedia content) representation. The ability to document
and organize a diverse set of entities stems directly from the fact that
Taxinomia's ontological model is fully configurable allowing even end-users
to define the metamodel that is used to describe an installation's entities and
their relationships. This configuration is done through an intuitive GUI and is
internally maintained and operated upon in XML. Taxinomia entities can be
accompanied by one or more digital assets in any multimedia form that describe
the entity or parts of it. E.g., such digital assets can be the scanned pages of
a book (OCR-ed or not) or manuscript, electronic documents and files, photos of
museum exhibits, video segments of archaeological sites or, practically, any
other type of multimedia file.